1975年 新潟県十日町(旧中里村)に生まれる。
二つ星2店を経験し、三つ星レストラン ダル・ぺスカトーレ で修業する機会を得た村山は、シェフであるナディア・サンティーニのもとで徹底的にイタリア料理を学んだ。それは緊張の連続で、これ以上のプレッシャーを味わうことは今もってないというほど厳しい指導だったが、もっとも多くを学ぶことが出来た。
Born in Tokamachi (Nakasato village before) in 1975.
After working in the Japanese restaurant in Kyoto, he went to Italy in 2000.
After working in two two-star restaurants in Italy, finally he got the chance to work in the three-star restaurant Dal Pescatore. Under the chef Nadia Santini he learned the Italian cooking thoroughly. Every day was the succession of the tension and the pressure of the severest teaching was so great. But what he had learned from this experience was immense.
Traditionally Dal Pescatore is closed when chef Nadia was absent to keep the quality. But after Murayama became the sous chef, he was entrusted to keep the restaurant open even in the absence of Nadia. In 2008 he came back to Japan and on 12 of May in 2011, he opened L’asse, becoming independent as an owner chef.