

2005年7月25日、当時、イタリアを代表する三つ星レストラン「ダル・ペスカトーレ」にて副料理長として働いていた村山太一と、食事のために訪れた、株式会社良品計画の代表取締役社長(現在 前代表取締役会長)松井忠三は出会った。




On 25 of July in 2005, Taichi Murayama encountered Tadamitsu Matsui. Murayama was working as a sous chef of three-star restaurant Dal Pescatore . Matsui, then the executive president of Ryohin Keikaku Co. Ltd, visited this famous restaurant for a dinner and met Murayama.

In a small village situated in the middle of Cremona, worldly famous for the manufacture of Stradivarius, and Mantua, developed in the age of Renaissance by the splendid town planning by the Gonzaga family, the restaurant exists.

From the edge of the village, proceeding on the farm road 5km Dal Pescatore appears suddenly.

Matsui and Murayama kept contact by mails from time to time. When Murayama came back to Japan, they met again and agreed to start planning the Italian restaurant in Tokyo. Five years after their first encounter, on 19 of October in 2010, the L’asse Corporation was established, shared investments of Matsui and Murayama.

Murayama, as the president, presides over the kitchen, while Matsui who has been through the rough and the smooth of the business and has a powerful personal connection, became the chairman. Connected by Dal Pescatore two men started their challenge to realize the restaurant with the Italian cooking tradition and the comfortable space.